IH Certificate in teaching Young Learners &Teenagers
The International House Certificate in teaching Younger Learners and Teenagers (IH CYLT) is a teacher training course and certificate which is designed to prepare Course Participants (CPs) to teach English as a foreign or an additional language (EFL/EAL) to children between 6 and 17 years old.
Course dates 2024
Next Course to be confirmed
The IH CYLT course is for those teachers wanting to develop their young learner teaching skills and receive an internationally recognised qualification (endorsed by Cambridge Assessment English). It is now available to non-CELTA teachers as well as CELTA qualified teachers.
Participants would normally be experienced YL teachers who would like further training and an opportunity to reflect on this area or qualified language teachers who find themselves needing to teach young learners.
The objective of the course is to introduce course participants to the principles involved in teaching Young Learners (YLs) and Teenagers, and to help them consider, evaluate and develop their own teaching skills in this area.
- Participants must have a minimum English language level of C1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. All of the sessions are presented in English and the written assignments must be written in English
- Participants must either have an initial teacher training course (e.g. CELTA), or have substantial classroom experience
- Participants must successfully complete the application form and task sheet
- Participants must be 18 years or older and be educated to university entrance level
- Participants must display an interest in teaching YLs and hold a CRB clearance certificate or equivalent (in Italy "casellario giudiziario")
- Input sessions: covering areas such as Child Development, Clarifying and Practising Language, L1 in the classroom, Teaching Adolescents, Material Design and Selection.
- Teaching practice: One of the major focuses of the course is being able to put the theory presented in the input sessions into practice. There are 4 assessed teaching practice (TP) lessons amounting to at least 3 teaching hours.
- Lesson planning: Lesson planning is considered a significant factor to developing as a teacher. Although teachers would not normally be expected to write detailed lesson plans for every lesson they teach, the plans CPs produce for this course need to demonstrate their thought processes and show that they are aware of everything that is being presented to them.
- Written assignments: There are two written assignments, one on teaching materials and a self-reflection task, which are designed to show that CPs have an understanding of teaching principles and their own development.
- Portfolio tasks: Over the duration of the course CPs are asked to complete a variety of tasks and projects which are to be presented in the portfolio. These are related to the input sessions and reflect on teaching.
- Observations: Throughout the course the CPs will complete six hours of observations, including videoed lessons, observation of experienced young learner teachers and peer observations.